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Lisa-Marie Creasey

Lead Consultant


My Story

An introduction to me 🩷

Hi, my name is Lisa and I am an Independent Scentsy Consultant.
When I joined on 12/05/2017 I had never heard of the company or what I was getting myself into. I saw an advert clicked the link and after a few weeks of humming and ahhhing and asking a million questions I finally clicked that sign up button! And from the word go I fell in love with everything scentsy stands for FAMILY and always give more than you take.
6 years on I can proudly hand on heart say I LOVE what I do! I wouldn’t have done 6 years if I didn’t! It’s given me a purpose and a whole new network of friends who are more like family. It allows me to stay home with my toddler and be able to catch every single one of those milestones. My personal team has started growing and I am so proud of what they are achieving! I have promoted to Lead Consultant which is very exciting and I hope to expand my team further and work my way up. A few years ago Scentsy partnered with some amazing huge brands and the best big is my other passion DISNEY is now in partnership with each other. The support and love from one and other is phenomenal and I hand on heart don’t see me stopping any time soon if ever 🩷 I would love to share my passion and journey with you xx

My Favourite Scents